Logistyka i realizacja zamówień – trendy 2025
„Dostawa na wczoraj? Pracujemy nad tym.” – ten żart w świecie logistyki przestaje być zabawny, a zaczyna brzmieć jak realna prognoza. Rok 2025 przynosi kolejne rewolucje w realizacji zamówień – od magazynów zarządzanych robotami, którymi z kolei steruje sztuczna inteligencja, po dostawy realizowane w ciągu kilku godzin. Jakie trendy zdominują logistykę w nadchodzącym roku? Czy konsumenci rzeczywiście potrzebują jeszcze szybszych dostaw, czy może nadszedł czas na zrównoważoną i inteligentną logistykę? Sprawdźmy, co czeka branżę i dlaczego zarówno magazyny, jak i „ostatnia mila” stają się areną największych innowacji.
Logistyka cross-border
Niedawno głośnym echem odbiło się w mediach, że InPost otworzył się na wysyłki zagraniczne. Jeszcze poczekamy chwilę na pierwsze rezultaty tego ruchu, ale wydaje się, że postawienie na wsparcie cross-border e-commerce to przemyślana decyzja, a pytanie o jej sukces to pytanie nie z gatunku “czy”, ale “kiedy”.
Black Friday 2024
Już za 2 tygodnie wchodzimy w okres Black Friday czy też Black Week (a gdzieniegdzie już jesteśmy w okresie Black Month), czyli szczyt sprzedażu online roku.
The premiere of the English-language version of the report “E-commerce logistics. Where are we and where do we want to be?”
It's finally here :) The English version of the very well-received report "E-commerce logistics. Where are we and where do we want to be?” has just seen the light of day.
Optimization algorithms, i.e. artificial intelligence in e-commerce logistics
E-commerce is steadily growing, which makes it more and more competitive. After all, many entities want to get a piece of the Internet cake for themselves. However, efforts placed on service, products and the attractiveness of the website may not be enough. Today, technological solutions are needed that will meet the growing expectations of customers. Artificial intelligence plays a key role here. Advanced optimization algorithms are able to improve the shopping experience at every stage of the order process.
Otimo is a partner of the report “E-commerce logistics. Where are we and where do we want to be?”
For the second time, Otimo had the pleasure of being a partner of a report dedicated to e-commerce logistics, prepared by the Polish Road Transport Institute think-tank. This time, the authors of the report focus on the analysis of the current situation and forecasts for the near future in terms of, among others: KEP market, reverse logistics, ecology and optimization algorithms.
„Last mile delivery – opportunities and challenges” discussion panel
Krzysztof Chaładyn, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Otimo Ltd. was one of the panelists of the “Last mile delivery – opportunities and challenges” debate, which took place on November 9, 2022 as part of the TransLogistica Poland trade fair. Other invited guests were Sebastian Anioł – Vice-Chairman of the Board of InPost, Sylwia Jagódka – Chief Operating Officer of Magazyny123 and Jacek Karcz – Sales Director of Gruber Logistics. The discussion was moderated by Justyna Świeboda – Chairman of the Board of the Polish Institute of Road Transport.
Otimo became a partner of the “Last Mile for e-commerce” report
“Last Mile for e-commerce” is a report developed by the Polish Institute of Road Transport in cooperation with Otimo Ltd. and Last Mile Experts, released on September 22, 2022. The publication answers many questions regarding the problems and challenges of the final process of the delivery for e-commerce. It addresses OOH delivery, the courier industry, the growing problems of placing parcel lockers in public spaces, process optimization, the ecological dimension of transportation and its impact on global warming.