Optimization algorithms, i.e. artificial intelligence in e-commerce logistics
E-commerce is steadily growing, which makes it more and more competitive. After all, many entities want to get a piece of the Internet cake for themselves. However, efforts placed on service, products and the attractiveness of the website may not be enough. Today, technological solutions are needed that will meet the growing expectations of customers. Artificial intelligence plays a key role here. Advanced optimization algorithms are able to improve the shopping experience at every stage of the order process.
An article has just been published on the website of the Polish Road Transport Institute entitled: "OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS, OR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN E-COMMERCE LOGISTICS„. Zachęcamy do jego lektury, gdyż po pierwsze jest to temat nam bardzo bliski, a po drugie teskt powstał na podstawie raportu “Logistyka E-commerce. Gdzie jesteśmy, a gdzie chcemy być?”, którego byliśmy partnerem i w którego powstanie mieliśmy swój wkład. Jeśli zainteresuje Cię artykuł, na pewno chętnie sięgniesz po raport.
What is the article about?
Here you can get a glimplse of it by checking out its table of contents:
1 Customers – what expectations do they have regarding delivery?
1.1 It's supposed to be fast!
1.2 Ma być eko!
2 How to meet the growing market demands?
3 The solution is AI!
4 Optimization algorithms in logistics
4.1 Order Picking
4.2 Vehicle Routing Problem
4.3 Last mile
5 Will AI make me successful in e-commerce?

The premier of the report “E-commerce logistics. Where are we and where do we want to be?” took place on March 7, 2024, and was accompanied by an online debate in which industry experts and the authors of the report took part, discussing individual elements of e-commerce logistics: Anna Majowicz (the Polish Institute of Road Transport), Marta Cudziło (Łukasiewicz – Poznański Instytut Technologiczny), Mirek Gral (Last Mile Experts ), Jacek Powalka (Last Mile Experts ), Adam Sasim (MODIVO), Rafał Moryto (Happy Pack S.A.), Michał Wójcik (Alsendo). Otimo was represented at the debate by Krzysztof Chaładyn, who played a double role that day - being also a representative of another report partner: LODZistics - Logistics Business Network of Central Poland..
The debate was very substantive, engaging and enjoyed great interest from the audience. You can see it in its entirety below or read more about it in an extensive summary.
The report itself is available for free download HERE. We strongly encourage you to read it - it's worth it! And for all those still unconvinced, here's a sneak peek: